Sustainable Snacks Blog — summer
Rebecca Scott
Treat yourself this weekend with our simple and nourishing seasonal trifles!
It is hard to believe that summer is drawing to a close -- yet the arrival of fall and the way the new season will unfold remains uncertain. Take a few minutes this weekend to decompress and treat yourself to our seasonal mini trifles.
Rebecca Scott
It’s a ‘Summer Scorcher’ and we’ve got the perfect recipe to help you beat the heat!
Let’s be honest, we could all use a momentary escape right now. Our Choco-Avo Ice Pops are so delicious and refreshing, they will transport you to your favorite, currently off limits, summer vacation destination and make you temporarily forget the state of the world! Take a deep breath, whip up our pops and escape!
Rebecca Scott
Celebrate Summer with a Seasonal Trifle
Summer is here! We know your summer is off to a happy, healthy start, and we hope it continues.
Traditionally, summers include festivities outdoors and centered around food. Block parties, potlucks, barbecues, picnics, and festivals are a great time to see friends, family, and neighbors. Studies show that face-to-face interaction with people we care about are good for our physical and mental health, with less stress and anxiety and improved immunity and cardiovascular health. It takes more than dark chocolate for a healthy heart!
Rebecca Scott
Key to A Happy & Healthy Summer
Summer is almost here, though those of us at Sustainable Snacks have already taken to the outdoors of New York City, enjoying the warm weather as much as we can!
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